Fansub Status
I plan on fansubbing the tv series. Though I only have episodes 1-6. I haven't seen the rest of the episodes on LD, just VHS.
I've got a few emails saying people know people who could translate but have gotten no replies to my replies.
We can do the translations however you want. I send you a tape. Or send you wav files. I'll pay you nicely! email me!
Romanization of the opening
kiniu no yao ginga ni hanachi
ryuu sei tachiga machikado ni furu
ai ha miha tenu yume no yousa
kizu tsu ita mune ga sagasuyo
Give peace a chance tonight
aozame tayumeno supa souto kuchizu kete FLY YOU AWAY
Give peace a chance again
ai odaki shi mete to bitate souhe YOU CAN FLY
5 4 3 2 1 GO